In a letter to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, WAFO requests that the ban on leasing woodlands in the Managed Forest Law be rescinded.
WAFO Requests Walker to Rescind MFL Leasing Ban
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In a letter to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, WAFO requests that the ban on leasing woodlands in the Managed Forest Law be rescinded.
2 Responses to “WAFO Requests Walker to Rescind MFL Leasing Ban”
Doug Duren
Thank you for your interest. Sorry for the delay in response. We’re working out the response system.
I trust you have plugged in your county and town into the App on this page that compares the tax rates. It’s a real eye opener.
Each property is taxed according to the way the land is classified by the assessor. It’s important to make sure your land is properly classified. MFL is an option but the program is not what it used to be.
Regarding the stock transfer, that’s not really our area. There are attorneys who specialize in that kind of work. Also the Driftless Forestry Network and Wisconsin Woodland Owners Association are education organizations that can help with that kind of information.
Please contact our office via phone or email for more information on farm taxes and MFL.
Doug Duren WAFO President
Raymond A Buisker
I am interested in finding out more about farm taxes and MFL.
Also, any information concerning the transfer of stock to grandchildren in a Forestry related farm. Thanks.