WAFO, along with two dozen other individuals and groups, publicly testified before the Assembly Committee on Environment and Forestry on Dec. 8 in favor of AB 559. This bill, sponsored by Rep, Mary Czaja, would once again allow landowners to receive compensation for use of their MFL closed lands.
Testimony was also taken at the public hearings on AB 561 and SB 434, two bills which would make more detailed changes to update the MFL. WAFO and others testified in favor of both these bills at the Assembly hearing held in Madison on Dec. 8 and at a hearing in Antigo on Dec. 9 which was held before the Senate Committee on Sporting Heritage, Mining, and Forestry. However, WAFO has asked that action be taken by the legislature to include the leasing ban language in the omnibus bills, should they move forward more quickly than AB 559. .