Important Hearing on MFL and Leasing Ban – Tues., Dec. 8

Hearings are scheduled to be held on Tuesday, December 8th on AB 559 related to rescinding the ban on leasing of lands in the Managed Forest Law and on AB 561  related to changes to the MFL. The Assembly Environment and Forestry Committee will begin the hearings at 12 pm in room 412E, State Capitol.

WAFO will be sponsoring a pre-hearing briefing at 11am in State Capitol Rm 415 NW  to discuss our positions and testimony on AB 559 and AB 561 and to answer the questions that landowners and others may have about the hearing process.

Landowners who cannot attend the hearing in person are encouraged to contact the Assembly Environment and Forestry Committee members directly to let them know their positions on the proposed legislation.

Landowners are STRONGLY urged to attend this important hearing to voice their concerns about changes needed to the MFL. Of priority at this time is the need to show support for rescinding the ban on leasing of MFL land, language which IS NOT included in the more comprehensive bill. Read WAFO’s Leasing  Ban Talking Points.

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