Thank you for your interest in supporting WAFO and Wisconsin’s private woodland owners through information dissemination. Below are a few tools that we have developed to aid in your efforts.
WAFO Informational Flyer
This full-color 8.5 x 11 flyer contains general information about WAFO, our priority issues, and the current state of private woodland ownership. The reverse side includes a donation form.
WAFO Talking Points
This four-page document is great to use both for more information and if you will be attending woodland owner or other similar conferences and have the opportunity to speak to others about WAFO. It includes facts and figures about property and MFL tax reform and WAFO’s proposed solutions, terrific background information about the current state of private woodland ownership, and how property taxes are calculated.
WAFO Presentations
WAFO presents information regarding current woodland owner rights and responsibilities, MFL issues, and current legislation updates. Check out our presentations for more information.
SE WI Woodland Owner’s Conference– January 30, 2016. Please note: While there is still very useful information in this presentation, much has changed since January 2016. Email [email protected] with any questions.