Business Associate

Thank you for your support of WAFO!  As a Business Associate, WAFO is happy to list your:

  • Company name with a contact name, phone, email; website hyperlink; and 100 word company description included on the Business Associate webpage (located in the About section)
  • Company logo with direct link to company website located in each issue of WAFO eNews
  • Company and/or program information sent to WAFO eNews recipients one time per year upon request.

If you would prefer to pay by check, please return along with completed membership form (page 2) to:  WAFO, PO Box 7423, Madison, WI 53707.

Contributions by credit card can be made by completing the form below.

Total Amount
Business Associate
Second request required to verify this important information.
Please include area code first. Example 999-999-9999.
Credit Card
Billing Name and Address