Sponsored by the Wisconsin Alliance of Forest Owners and Black Hawk Chapter-WWOA
Sunday, April 3 1-3 pm
Ten Pin Alley
Join us for great food, drinks, and a chance to win GREAT raffle prizes. The afternoon will also include an interactive discussion with a panel of experts on topics such as:
MFL Law Changes; Property Assessments and Taxes
Learn about the changes to the new MFL law. This is the time of year when assessors are re-valuing your property. Be sure you understand how rural lands are taxed.
Richard Wedepohl serves as the private woodland owner representative on Wisconsin’s Council on Forestry where he played a major role in seeing changes made to the MFL. He also has maintained an extensive understanding of Wisconsin’s rural lands property taxation system.
Resource Planning
This presentation will provide an overview of management options for your forest land including inventory, harvests, leasing for recreational use and mandatory MFL harvests, among others. Ask the experts how to best proceed.
Paul Dietmann, a business and financial specialist with Badgerland Financial, brings with him more than 20 years of special expertise on the financial aspects of owning and managing rural land, including private woodland. Paul has provided woodland owners with guidance on management strategies they have available for managing their forest land and the financial implications of those options. Paul owns a 67-acre farm in Iowa County and has personal experiences with the leasing of his property for recreational uses. His book,Fearless Farm Finances: Farm Financial Management Demystified, was published in 2012.
Doug Duren is the President of WAFO and owner of Lone Oak Interests, a land management planning and implementation company. He also manages his family’s Richland County farm which includes 240 acres of woodland and 160 acres of agricultural land. Duren is a guest host of Meateater with Steven Rinella on the Sportsmen Channel and is a contributor to the Meateater website and to Rinella’s books: The Complete Guide to Hunting, Butchering and Cooking Wild Game, Volumes 1&2.
Is the MFL right for you?
Is your MFL contract expiring? We can help you understand the program requirements so you can decide what is right for you.
John and Carol Nielsen are the owners of Nielsen and Nielsen Forestry consulting company. John brings with him over 30 years of experience gained as a forester and supervisor with the DNR. Carol has over 30 years of experience working for the DNR as a forester and private lands specialist. She brings along detailed knowledge of the Managed Forest Law regulatory requirements and other DNR private forestry programs such as WFLGP.
Landowner Incentive Programs
NRCS cost sharing programs (EQIP), (WFLGP), M&A tax credit or farmland preservation tax credits.
Special Representatives: Erin Holmes and Adam Dowling, land management specialists with the Natural Resources Conservation Service.
This event is FREE, but you must RSVP as space is limited.
Contact us at [email protected] or (608) 218-4789 with questions.
Thank you to our auction item sponsors:
Field and Forest Products, Inc., McFarlane’s, Vortex Optics